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Recruitment Slowdown in Poland: High Demand Persists

According to a report by, Poland’s largest job board, 2023 saw 844,159 job offers published, marking a record number of website customers and applications. Sales maintained its position as the most sought-after job in Poland, followed by IT, manual jobs, finance, and engineering. Despite a 14% year-on-year increase in candidate activity, reflecting a visible economic slowdown, employers remained actively engaged in recruitment. The national job portal saw a record 59,000 active clients, marking a 40% increase over five years.

Key Information:

  • In 2023, 844,159 job offers were posted on
  • 2023 witnessed a record 59,000 active customers on the website.
  • Applications submitted by candidates increased by 14% year on year.
  • The TOP5 sought-after specializations at were sales, IT, physical work, finance, and engineering.
  • Companies from the finance and banking sector were the most active in terms of recruitment, accounting for 11% of job offers.
  • 35% of advertisements included positions enabling at least one flexible work model: remote or hybrid.
  • 94,000 offers were addressed to manual workers.
  • 15% of the share comprised offers for people at the initial levels of employment.

Article Content:

1. Significant Changes in Recruitment Strategies

The past 12 months has seen noticeable change on the job market in Poland. Employers are adopting a more cautious approach in their search for new staff. This is evident in the increased number of clients on and significant rises in candidate activity.

At the beginning of 2024, a unique perspective emerges as the trend shifts from the frenzied recruiting activity of 2022 to a more cautious approach in 2023. While recruitment remains buoyant, there is a shift towards a balanced and strategic approach. Economic conditions and inflation are significant factors influencing this change. The need for partner recruitment and tailored solutions to meet evolving expectations remains unchanged – comments Rafał Nachyna, Operations Director at

2. Specialisations Sought in 2023

Sales maintained its top spot as the most frequently searched for job, with a 19% share among all job offers on The demand for salespeople increased due to inflation and economic challenges, meaning more sales people are needed. IT-related positions experienced less activity in 2023, yet remained the second most sought-after specialization. Manual workers claimed the third spot, with every ninth advertisement directed towards them. Finance and banking remained stable (8%), while engineering and customer service maintained a 6% share each.

3. The Most Active Industries in 2023

Finance and banking continued to lead as the most active sectors on, maintaining an 11% share year on year. The retail and B2C sales industry recorded slight growth, accounting for every tenth recruitment advertisement. FMCG and consumer goods secured third place with a consistent 7% share.

The IT industry saw less recruitment involvement compared to previous years Despite changes in the industry, companies focused on B2C and B2B trade were responsible for 15% of all advertisements.

4. Candidate Activity – A Significant Increase in Applications

Over the last year, recorded a notable increase in candidate engagement, evident in a 14% rise in clicks on the “Apply” button. Newly opened and confirmed user accounts also increased by 33% in December 2023 compared to the previous year.

This surge in candidate activity aligns with contributions from respondents in the “Occupational Mobility of Poles in 2023” study. Conducted in March 2023, the study revealed that 41% of respondents actively sought a job or planned to change their current job, a 5% increase from 2022. Furthermore, 84% were open to new, interesting job offers in the coming months.

5. What Job Were the Candidates Looking For?

Candidates were most inclined to apply for sales positions, constituting 17% of all submitted applications. Office administration saw a significant increase, rising from 14% in 2022 to 16% in 2023. Manual work maintained its third position at 9%, while IT experienced a revival, accounting for 9% of all applications in 2023, compared to 5% in 2022.

6. The Return to Offices Continues

At the end of 2023, organizations showed a trend towards increasing the time required to perform duties from the office. While off-site work remains common, employers expect more tasks to be completed from the office, fostering hybrid work environments. A notable shift towards remote work is visible in most industries, with IT being an exception, maintaining a high percentage of remote job offers.

7. Manual Workers Are Consistently in the TOP3

Physical work has remained at the forefront of sought-after positions, despite technological developments. There continues to be a constant demand for qualified manual workers.

8. More Work for Those Entering the Market

While employers emphasized experienced employees in 2023, there was no shortage of work for younger individuals entering the job market. Advertisements targeting them accounted for 15% of all offers on

A September 2023 study by highlighted Generation Z’s superiority in professional mobility, with 62% changing their job within a year of the study. 56% of the youngest participants surveyed declared they were currently looking for a new job or planning to change their current one, posing challenges and opportunities for employers in adapting to the youngest workforce’s requirements.