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In a most recent Eurostat report, it is revealed that the employment rate across the European Union reached an all-time high in 2022, hitting a high of 74.6 percent. Warsaw proudly secured the second-highest position within the EU. Further insights are outlined below.

The Warsaw region exhibited a high employment rate of 85.4 percent, positioning itself as the second-highest across the European Union. Outdone only by the Finnish Åland Islands (part of the Aland Islands archipelago) with an even higher rate of 89.7 percent. Following closely behind Warsaw and its adjacent areas is Utrecht, registering at 85.1 percent. Nevertheless, there’s a noticeable contrast between the overall Mazovia region and specifically the capital. For the remaining segment of the Mazovian Voivodeship (Regional Mazovian), the employment indicator stood at 76.2 percent. In 2022, Poland’s employment rate surpassed the European Union average rate of 74.6%, reaching 76 percent.

The central Mazovia region, excluding Warsaw showed an employment rate of 76.2 percent. Only three Polish regions were below the bloc’s average: the Podkarpacie region in the southeast (68.7 percent), northeastern Warmińsko-Mazurskie (73.6 percent), and southern Małopolskie (73.9 percent). The rate of employment in Poland’s most industrialized region of Silesia was exactly the EU average of 74.6 percent.

Eurostat, the EU’s statistical office, is one of the basic indicators concerning the labour market. It provides data on the share of the working population in the total number of a specific category of people (distinguished by age, education level, place of residence, etc.). Most often, and in accordance with the BAEL (Labor Force Survey), the employment rate indicates the participation of employed individuals in the total number of the population aged 15 and over.